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Colac Area Health Foundation

Our Supporters

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Without the support of donors, community groups and our corporate partners we would not have been able to achieve what we have. The generosity of individuals, groups & clubs together with the business community helped to build a Cancer Centre and three new consulting rooms and a treatment room for visiting Specialists.

Donors / Community Groups

We receive generous support from private donors and community groups, and regularly publish our donor list in our "Giving Back" publications to acknowledge the support and assistance we receive.

The following businesses, groups, clubs and Foundations have been particularly generous during the 2023/2024 year. A big ‘thank you’ to you and to all groups or clubs who have supported the Foundation. Your efforts, time and dedication are very much appreciated.

If you are part of a group or club looking to support a worthy cause, please call the Foundation on 03 5232 5288 for information on how you can help.

Corporate Partners

Our corporate partners support Colac Area Health Foundation in a number of ways through event sponsorship and corporate donations. The generosity of the Corporate community to the Long Road Appeal enabled two major projects to become a reality – The Frank Minchinton Cancer Centre and Specialist Consulting Rooms.

One of our major fundraising events is the Annual Golf Day which is held around March each year. If you or your organisation are interested in discussing sponsorship for our Golf day, please contact the Foundation on 03 5232 5288 or email
