How you can help

Wellbeing Centre Campaign
Colac Area Health Foundation would like to present the launch of the Wellbeing Centre Campaigns, our new fundraising effort for Colac Area Health.
You will likely be familiar with The Long Road Appeal and the result of the community fundraising efforts - The Frank Minchinton Centre, which now provide low-risk cancer treatments in Colac.
We are looking to expand on the support services offered to those with cancer in the Colac community with the creation of the Colac Area Health Wellbeing Centre.
The Wellbeing Centre will provide a brand new building adjacent to the hospital. This will provide a fit for purpose infrastructure for current social support and connections being delivered, and the opportunity to expand support service for those experiencing cancer and complex health conditions.
This provides an exciting opportunity to build for the future to enhance supports available in our community by providing to services and activities to:
- Develop and maintain wellness and physical health
- Maintain independence and quality of life
- Regain and learn new skills
-Connect with others
The expansion of services will include oncology rehabilitation support services including nutritional care, lymphodema management, meditation and massage which will complement the activities already on offer at Miller House such as yoga, active living, gym programs, carer respite and Do Care visiting.
There many ways to get involved. You can:
- Donate to the Long Road Appeal
- Donate in memory of a family member, friend or loved one
- Run your own fundraising activity
- Help out as a volunteer at one of our events
- Recognise a staff member who has gone beyond the call of duty, by making a donation in their honour.
- Leave a lasting legacy with a Bequest to the Foundation
- A business can display a Long Road Appeal Collection Box where patrons can donate their small change
Your donation will help Colac Area Health Foundation provide much-needed services and equipment for Colac Area Health. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and a receipt will be forwarded to you.
Making a Will is a very personal, but important thing to do – one that requires careful consideration and one that we all should
If you are making or updating your will and you have made allowance for your loved ones, you might consider leaving a lasting legacy – a Bequest to Colac Area Health Foundation. It would be a lasting gift to the health and welfare of future generations of those who live in the Colac and district region.
There are a number of ways that a bequest can be made:
- A Fixed Percentage of your Estate or Residue.
- A Specific Sum of Money.
- Your Entire Estate or Residue.
- Specific Gifts from your Estate.
Example Wording
- I give $10,000 to COLAC AREA HEALTH FOUNDATION (ABN 82 147 412 833) and I declare it is my wish that this gift be applied to or used for its general charitable purposes. The receipt of an authorised officer of Colac Area Health Foundation shall be an absolute discharge to my executors
If you wish to make a Bequest to Colac Area Health Foundation, it is suggested that you carefully consider these options and discuss them fully with your family and solicitor.
Change for Change
The ‘Change for Change’ Program is where a business/workplace agrees to take a Long Road Appeal Collection Box. Small change can be dropped in the box and once filled, is collected by the Foundation. A receipt is then issued to the business thanking your customers or patrons.
Another idea which has been successful is where a Café/Restaurant business donates $1 per hot or cold drink purchased on a given day eg. First Sunday of the month. This is…
- An example of how a business supports the local community
- And demonstrates to patrons, their philanthropic nature – a characteristic which all businesses could aspire to
The Foundation is committed to building a healthier community and small change can go a long way towards achieving this goal.
If you would like a Change Angel Collection Box for your business or workplace, simply contact the Foundation on 5232 5288 or email
Fundraising Activities and Events
By supporting Colac Area Health Foundation’s fundraising activities you are helping to purchase new equipment items and facilities to ensure our community receives the highest level of quality care.
The Foundation greatly values the support of community groups who, throughout the year, host their own fundraising events on behalf of Colac Area Health Foundation.
Some examples of past community fundraising events are:
- Annual Golf Day
- Seasonal Luncheons
- Otways Winter Festival
- AKD Otways Trail Run
- School Fundraising Activities
- Birthday Celebrations eg. Donations instead of birthday presents
If you would like to host a fundraising event supporting The Long Road Appeal, we can provide promotional material such as banners and coin collection boxes, donation slips etc.
Contact the Foundation Office on 03 5232 5288 or email
In Memory of a Loved One
Family and friends often make donations in memory of their loved one, rather than send flowers. These gifts not only honour the life of the person who has died but they also offer practical support to Colac Area Health through your donation to the Foundation.
The Foundation works closely with funeral directors in Colac to ensure that collection envelopes are easily accessible, in accordance with the wishes of the families involved. The Foundation can provide personalised Tribute envelopes to have available at the service. (Speak with your funeral director for more details).
Following the collection of donations and where details have been provided, all donors will receive a tax receipt and a thank you letter. The family of the deceased person is provided with a list of donors and the total amount of money that has been gifted to the Foundation in memory of their loved one. Amounts of individual gifts remain confidential.
If you wish to support Colac Area Health Foundation by requesting tribute gifts in memory of a loved one, speak to your funeral director who can distribute envelopes. Or contact the Foundation for more information by calling 5232 5288 or email to
Donations can be made via our ‘DONATE’ button which will allow you to make a donation by credit card, Paypal or Google Pay.
By Direct Bank Deposit
BSB: 633 000 Account: 142 425 727