
Since inception, the Foundation has raised over $2 Million* to contribute to infrastructure projects and equipment that helps in the delivery of high quality health care. The Long Road Appeal commenced in 2014 to raise funds for the Cancer Centre. It now continues, raising funds for other projects to support Colac Area Health.
Specialist Consulting Rooms
The Long Road Appeal—Bringing Specialist Care to Colac raised funds for 3 new consulting rooms and a treatment room for visiting Specialists.
Following the official opening in March 2018, a range of visiting Specialists are now using the rooms including a Paediatrician, Urologist, Neurologist and Orthopaedic surgeon. A Skin Clinic has also opened and a visiting Dermatologist is conducting skin cancer checks. It means patients no longer need to travel to Geelong to see a Specialist, saving time and money.
The project was funded by bequests from the Estates of Ian Lindsay Hay and Nita and Frances McLean as well as donations from the community. The project cost was $804,000.
Frank Minchinton Cancer Centre
The Frank Minchinton Cancer Centre was officially opened on 16 April, 2016. The Centre provides holistic cancer care for patients and their families in the Colac Otway Region in a comprehensive modern facility. The Foundation provided funding of $500,000.
The Long Road Appeal was a resounding success thanks to the generous support from the Colac community. The Centre was named after Frank Minchinton, a great supporter of Colac Area Health and the Appeal.
Equipment funded by the Foundation is outlined below.
- 8 Patient Trauma trolleys for Urgent Care
- Cardiac Monitor for Urgent Care
- Colac Bowling Club by the Lake
- Biliblanket for Maternity
- Annunciator and syringe pumps for Acute
- Panda Warmer
- Birthing Beds
Anne Griffin, registered nurse in Urgent Care with the Ventilator